3 Sets of Borough Council Candidates Confirmed

By Chris Basista
June 18, 2024
This morning, the case of Petrock vs. Peter, et al was heard. The Democratic candidates were in attendance, but it was unclear if any of the plaintiffs (Theodore "Ted" Petrock and Susan Asher) or if the other Republican candidates were online. Their names were not listed in the Zoom nor were their cameras turned on.
It was expected that the Court would permit these candidates onto the ballot for November's election. No rebuttal was filed by last night's deadline by Lukac or Lazzeri.
During the hearing, it appears that each party will bear their own attorney fees and court costs. For Manville taxpayers, this means taxpayers will be paying for the Municipal Clerk's attorney. The amount is unknown at this time, but at the last council meeting, a closed-session resolution was passed authorizing $195 per hour, up to $2,500.
It is concerning how the Mayor was promoting one set of candidates for the Primary Election, while working behind the scenes to secure a petition for two additional candidates for the General Election.
If Mr. Petrock and Ms. Asher wanted to run for Borough Council, they should have submitted a petition and ran in the Primary. The voters could have decided the outcome for who will be on the ballot in November. Instead, Mr. Petrock and Ms. Asher decide to run "independent of party", which is a recent theme in Manville's elections.
The biggest part that is hard to understand is how Mayor Onderko, who ran as an "independent" last year and delivered his petitions to the County Clerk, now has an attorney saying "he didn't know" how to file these petitions just a year later.
And why is Richard Onderko securing these signatures for all these candidates? It makes you question his motive. Further, the Mayor's actions caused Manville taxpayers to incur another bill in the form of legal fees for his candidates to be placed on the ballot.
Manville once again will have three (3) sets of candidates this November for Borough Council. Your vote is your voice, and we hope residents use the power of their vote to elect candidates who will be committed to Manville.