About Manville.Today
Too many things were happening at Council Meetings. Residents were not informed of what was occurring. It was time to create a news source where residents can read about the actions of Manville's Mayor & Council.
Manville.Today was launched in early 2024, where residents can get the latest news and information about what is happening at Borough Hall. We know many residents do not have time to attend Council Meetings. Our goal is to keep residents informed about what Manville's Mayor & Council are doing.
All of our reporting is backed in fact. We attend public meetings regularly, and question those in charge. We learn more details on topics via the OPRA (Open Public Records Act) process. We break down information learned in an easy to understand way.
How do new Resolutions and Ordinances affect you? We provide you with the information to learn what is happening. We keep you, the Manville resident, informed.
Manville.Today Editors
Chris Basista
Chris is the main writer and editor for Manville.Today. A lifelong Manville resident who has been paying attention to what is going on in Manville for many years. He believes in transparency, and making sure residents know what is happening downtown at Borough Hall. It was his vision to bring Manville.Today to reality.
Roberta Walters
Roberta is Manville.Today's assistant editor. She has family roots in Manville dating back decades. Roberta assists Chris in making sure all articles have been double checked for complete accuracy, and that all information is conveyed in an easy to understand manner.
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Manville Democratic Club, PO Box 42, Manville, NJ 08835