Council Meeting Highlights from August 12, 2024

By Chris Basista
August 16, 2024
Monday night's council meeting was fairly routine. Many resolutions were voted on, including one increasing the salary of the acting administrator by $15,000. A review of the original hiring resolution (2023-17) included details on salary increases:
"Tracy R. Dillingham is hereby appointed to the position of Deputy Clerk, Deputy Administrator, and Director Human Resources & Payroll at the initial annual salary of $95,000; effective immediately upon passage of this Resolution and Ms. Dillingham's assumption of her duties. Upon successful completion of all requirements of Registered Municipal Clerk (RMC), Ms. Dillingham will receive an increase of $3,000 (to $98,000 per annum) with and an additional increase of $5,000 (to $103,000 per annum) for calendar year 2024, and an additional increase of $5,000 (to $108,000 per annum) for calendar year 2025. Any subsequent changes in compensation, after December 31, 2025,will be subject to further resolutions of the Mayor & Council."
Every year, the Borough approves an ordinance that sets the compensation rates for various positions. Ordinance 2023-1289 sets the maximum compensation limit for the Deputy Administrator/Clerk, Dir. HR & Payroll position at $110,000.
During the meeting the Mayor indicated that the Acting Administrator's current salary is $100,000 which means the salary, including this raise (which was retroactive from January), is now $115,000.
The Mayor also commented that if you don't pay your property taxes with your mortgage, they had the property tax bills resent. (Read our prior coverage here) The Acting Administrator traveled to Kearny, New Jersey, to the USPS hub to deliver the mail to be delivered to residents. It appears that residents have now properly received their property tax bills, which are due on August 30th.
Manville's Zoning Officer resigned. Jose Nieves resigned as Zoning Officer and Property Maintenance. The Borough has appointed an Acting Zoning Officer, Thomas Boylan.
During the public comment period on Resolutions, a resident asked the mayor why employees are hired as "interim":
"Why is someone being hired as interim versus hired permanent?" The resident asked.
"Because he has to finish the courses." Responded Mayor Richard Onderko.
"So he hasn't completed courses to be a zoning officer?"
"And how long does that take?"
"A couple weeks."
"I don't understand why people are hired before they have credentials for the position they're hired." The resident stated.
"It's not that easy to find these people walk in on the street. So, um..." Replied Mayor Onderko.
There were a few other notable (and important) topics that came up during Council Comments and the Public Portion. We will be publishing these stories over the course of the next week. Bookmark Manville.Today to stay informed with the latest.